Armand Investment Group


Problem solver invests in renovating real estate, life as entrepreneur


Perseverance, problem-solving and consistency are at the core of Cory Armand’s entrepreneurial journey to transform property, homes and communities as a real estate investor and renovator.

“Recognizing there’s a problem or a need, finding a solution, executing, and seeing the results are what I enjoy doing the most. Problem solvers … which in my opinion is what most entrepreneurs are,” he said. “Especially in the field of real estate, renovating both residential and commercial properties that have been left vacant and neglected, turning them completely around, adding value by now beautifying the property, providing a family with a nice affordable home and during the construction process, I am providing jobs for different trades and contractors.”

As Cory found himself doing most of his business in Gary, he turned his focus on a commercial space for himself and other small business owners and entrepreneurs.

“This building had sat vacant for 10 years and was in total shambles. My team and I were able to completely renovate this building and bring it back to life,” he said. “During the planning phases of reconstruction, I quickly realized I didn’t need every square inch of the building for myself, and I knew other small business owners that needed either their own office space or just a place where they can conduct business.”

That led Cory to a lightbulb moment in 2022 to open AIG Business Center – a space for all types of entrepreneurs to have access to a conference room, common area, kitchenette, private mailboxes, Wi-Fi, printer and privacy.

“I found a problem and was in the position to offer a solution,” he said.

Cory has been working through challenges since he first started investing in real estate in 2007 – always with a goal in mind to be a full-time entrepreneur and walk away from his corporate job.

“I’ve had to endure some trying times with losing thousands of dollars on my first real estate flip, and thousands more on my second real estate deal and real estate market crash … . Although I did not see any of those roadblocks coming, I continued to push forward, adjust my strategies, and stayed focused on the goal,” he said. “I wanted to be in control of my time and my future and not let it be dictated by my job retirement package, social security, and all of that. I was fortunate enough to begin my entrepreneurial journey while being employed, which I would highly recommend.

“It afforded me the opportunity to make calculated risk and be able to make some mistakes – as an entrepreneur you will make many.”

After 15 years, he left his corporate position to immerse himself in working on his investments and the AIG Business Center – finding his own success with the support of God and his family.

“It has been one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made,” he said. “Without support from home, it can be very challenging to pursue your dreams in order to reach success.

“Start with the end goal in mind. Know your why. The thing or idea that you are passionate about, pursue it, give it your all, and be consistent.”


Armand Investment Group

AIG Business Center

3709 Broadway in Gary
